The Pope and Basic Income: A conversation
Pope Francis says it’s time to talk about ‘Universal Basic Income’: What is it? How does it work? Does it work? Join us as we explore the concept of UBI with a panel of experts.

How should the Government engage with faith groups?
Ever wished that Government and policymakers listened to the concerns of faith groups? Well, an independent review has been launched calling for views from people of all faiths on the effectiveness of government’s engagement with faith groups.

NEW BOOK BY POPE FRANCIS | Let Us Dream: The Path to A Better Future
In this exclusive webinar, we will speaking with Pope Francis' interlocutor and the compiler of ‘Let Us Dream’, Dr Austen Ivereigh. Austen will share his personal experience that took place behind the pages that made this book a reality, as well as highlighting key insights from the book.

Extraordinary Evangelisation in Extraordinary Times
As Catholics in England and Wales experience the second lockdown of 2020 profound questions remain about how the Church can fulfil its mission of evangelisation amidst the many challenges.

The Duty of Catholics to Engage in Public Life
In this webinar, which will be chaired by Mike Kane MP, we will hear from representatives from two key organisations (Catholics for Labour and Catholics in the Conservatives) with a chance afterwards for Q&A. We hope this webinar will serve to encourage and equip more Catholics to engage in public life at all levels of society.

Coronavirus, Church & You
Over 2,500 Catholics were surveyed, between 19th May and the 26th July, about their experiences and attitudes towards lockdown. JOIN US via Zoom as we talk with one of the principal researchers and academics behind the survey and report, Professor Francis Davis, about some of the issues raised and lessons learnt.

How To Defend The Faith, Without Raising Your Voice
It’s tough when you’re asked a controversial issue about your faith…Catholic Voices is here to help! ‘How To Defend The Faith Without Raising Your Voice’, is our flagship workshop for helping Catholics learn how to share the genius of the Gospel even in the midst of controversy.

Evangelising the Indifferent
In this 12th CV Connect webinar we will be interviewing Matt Nelson, author of ‘Just Whatever: How to Help the Spiritually Indifferent Find Beliefs that really Matter’. We want to find out about the different types of religious indifference that one is likely to encounter, to share practical suggestions for how to awaken interest in those who are spiritually indifferent and share a compelling vision of a world in which it matters what you believe.

Sharing the Church's story: An Interview with a Jesuit and a Dominican
In this 11th CV Connect webinar we will be interviewing a Jesuit and a Dominican respectively to get a personal view of their orders approaches to evangelisation. We not only want to see how the Jesuits and Dominicans have historically responded to the challenges and opportunities of evangelisation, but also how these orders are approaching evangelisation and mission today in modern day Britain.

Responding to Confinement with Creativity
In this 10th CV Connect webinar we are hearing stories from different lay Catholics from England, Scotland and Ireland. We want to know how, in theses extraordinary circumstances, people are responding to this confinement with creativity.

Catholicism in the Time of Coronavirus
In this 9th CV Connect webinar, we will be in conversation with the British Ambassador to the Holy See, a Member of Parliament, director of the Jesuit Refugee Service, and an Academic from St Mary’s University. We want to know what lockdown looks like for them and their perspective how the Church is responding to the current crisis.

Catholics in Lockdown: Stories from English clergy and consecrated
In this 8th CV Connect webinar we are hearing stories from clergy and consecrated, men and women who have generously given their life in service to the Lord and His Church. We want to know how, in theses extraordinary circumstances, a Seminarian, a Deacon, Religious Sisters, Priests, a Consecrated Virgin and even a Bishop, have responded to the challenges and opportunities of lockdown.

The Life You Were Made For: Reclaiming your Christian identity in a time of crisis
Chris Stefanick (founder of Real Life Catholic) is an internationally acclaimed speaker who goes around the world inviting people into a dynamic, life changing encounter with God through Jesus in His Catholic Church.
In this CV Connect we will talk to Chris about how becoming aware of the way we speak to ourselves and replacing the negative self-talk with uplifting and powerful words that come from God can remind us of our Christian identity and the life we have been made for.

From Crisis To Mission: Helping parishes to face the challenges of lockdown
Fiona O’Reilly is the Director of Global Strategy for Divine Renovation which inspires and equips parishes to be missional and through them bring people to Jesus. In this webinar Fiona will share practical wisdom, wisdom that has already helped parishes across the globe to face the challenges presented by Coronavirus.

Digital Evangelisation Masterclass: How to become a lockdown evangelist
Fr Steve Grunow is the CEO of Word on Fire, the apostolate of Bishop Robert Barron, which reaches millions of people by utilising the tools of new media to draw people into or back to the Catholic Faith. For this instalment of CV Connect, we are asking Fr Steve about what it takes to be a digital evangelist, how we can use lockdown to prepare and experiment and what needs to go on behind the screens in our personal lives.

The Pope in Lockdown: Pope Francis’ response to COVID-19
The Catholic Church across the globe is desperately trying to respond to the most unprecedented crisis of the 21st century. In times of crisis, one looks to their leaders for direction and consolation. While Catholics are of course looking locally for this leadership, from their own clergy and Bishops, there is also always an instinct in a Catholic that looks towards Rome, to the Pope.
For this CV Connect Webinar, we are joined by Austen Ivereigh, papal biographer and one of the founders of Catholic Voices to talk about how Pope Francis is responding to the challenges presented by COVID-19. Austen will share insights about the Pope’s leadership in these days, especially in light of a recent interview he conducted with the Pope himself (recorded for The Tablet – the Pope’s first for a UK publication and first with a British journalist).
Guest Speaker – Dr Austen Ivereigh
Austen Ivereigh is a writer, commentator and speaker on contemporary church affairs, with a specialist interest in the Church of Latin America and the papacy of Francis. He drew on his D.Phil. from St Antony’s College, Oxford, in 1993 — which was published as Catholicism and Politics in Argentina, 1810-1960 (MacMillan 1994) — for his biography of Pope Francis, The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope (Allen & Unwin, 2015), which has been translated into many languages.
He has recently published a follow-up, reviewing the pontificate, published in the US as Wounded Shepherd: Pope Francis and the Struggle to Convert the Catholic Church (Henry Holt, 2019) and now available in the UK.
His other interest is in church communications. A former deputy editor of The Tablet, and later public affairs director for Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, Dr Ivereigh is also founder of Catholic Voices and author of How To Defend the Faith Without Raising Your Voice (Our Sunday Visitor, 2012 & 2015), which has also been widely translated and republished. Most recently he was made Fellow in Contemporary Church History at Campion Hall, Oxford.

Stories of Faith, Hope and Love: The Church's story in times of crisis
One of the Catholic Voices principles of civil communication is ‘show, don’t tell’.
This foundational principle of good writing applies to communication generally. People prefer stories to lectures and are more convinced by experience than abstract argument. Stories were one of the chief ways Jesus chose to communicate. Instead of telling his listeners that ‘God loves them’, he told them the story fo the Prodigal Son. Stories seem to have a way of incarnating truths into the minds and hearts of listeners in a way that merely stating truths lacks.
For our third CV Connect Webinar, we are joined by Meg Hunter-Kilmer a full time lay evangelist to share stories of how the Church responds to crisis, both past and present.
This webinar will give you a bank of stories to share, from the lives of saints and from things happening today, that will inspire faith, foster hope, and increase charity.
Guest Speaker – Meg Hunter-Kilmer
image credit: www.recongress.ie
Meg Hunter-Kilmer is a cradle Catholic and a revert to the faith. She credits her reversion to a grace-filled confession and the ‘supreme logic of Catholic doctrine’. She has a Bachelor’s in Theology from Notre Dame and a Master’s in Systematic Theology, also from ND. After 5 years as a full time religion teacher, she quit her job and packed everything into the boot of her car to drive around the country and fly around the world as a full time missionary. Check out more about Meg at her blog Pierced Hands.

Lockdown: Finding perspective in isolation
Most of us are new to ‘self-isolation’, not Br. Richard Hendrick OFM our guest speaker for the second instalment of CV Connect Webinar.

Coronavirus and the Church: Keeping connected in a time of crisis
Times of crisis such as these can bring out the best and the worst in humanity. In conversation with Fr. Conor McDonough OP we will explore how the Church, and in particular lay Catholics, can be at the forefront of making sure that the ‘very best of our common humanity triumphs’, especially for the health and well-being of the weakest, the poorest, and the most vulnerable’.